The Room in 5 Seconds

One of the worst movies of all time... in 5 seconds.

Review: Impossible - Die Hard Trilogy

In the Season 3 premiere of R:I, Braeden takes a look at Die Hard Trilogy on the Sega Saturn. But is it good like Die Hard? Or bad like Die Hard With a Vengeance

Bad Movie Impossible Bloopers

Okay, so not EVERY take of the Bad Movie Beatdown/Review: Impossible crossover went as well as Braeden and Film Brain would have hoped...

Bad Movie Impossible - The Haunted Mansion

Film Brain is in London to review Disney's The Haunted Mansion when a familiar visitor stops by...

Top 15 Review: Impossible Season 2 Moments

In preparation for Season 3 of R:I, here's a look back at the Top 15 Moments during the second season!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Posted by Admin On 8:58 PM 0 comments

Review: Impossible - Clue

There's been a murder... again. Braeden and El Pollo Torpe set out to solve the murder, all while Braeden reviews Clue on Super Nintendo. Is the game worth playing? Who is the killer? Find out in the latest episode of Review: Impossible! For more, visit

Monday, February 8, 2010

Posted by Admin On 7:00 PM 0 comments

The Future of iPen Productions

2010 will without a doubt be the biggest year for iPen Productions. The first reason I can't go into (I could, but it would be better to wait until it actually goes into effect). Another reason is that I have about a bajillion ideas for videos and/or series. The funny thing is, is that I've had a TON of ideas since 2008 that were either discarded, or never QUITE came to fruition.

First things first, the future of Review: Impossible. In what seems to be the case every time I go head first into a video, I get swamped by school and other activities. The next video is coming very soon, I still have to finish some scripting, but the game footage has been captured. After that, I'm not sure what I'll do. There will be a poll on the right side of the site for everyone to vote what they would like to see next. I scheduled this video to be released at the start of January, but things have been rough time wise as of late.

I will continue R:I as long as I can. What do I mean by that? Well, come this fall I'll be going off to college, and I'm not sure what my filming abilities will be (due to space and what games I can take with me mostly). If R:I cannot continue, fear not, I have a video game review series in mind that I think could be a fair replacement.

I'm sort of, kind of, working on a new series. I say sort of, kind of, because again, due to the current time frame, it wouldn't last long, so I'm in the situation where if one episode gets produced, that would probably be it. If I can get the same interest from my roommates or others in my dorm, then perhaps the series will go as planned, but we'll see.

Finally, I alluded a while back on Twitter to an announcement. That announcement is... to be revealed soon. Probably in the next four to six months. Sorry that it will take so long, but I don't want to announce anything until right before it happens. It is the biggest news in iPen history, so believe me when I say that the wait will be worth it.