The Room in 5 Seconds

One of the worst movies of all time... in 5 seconds.

Review: Impossible - Die Hard Trilogy

In the Season 3 premiere of R:I, Braeden takes a look at Die Hard Trilogy on the Sega Saturn. But is it good like Die Hard? Or bad like Die Hard With a Vengeance

Bad Movie Impossible Bloopers

Okay, so not EVERY take of the Bad Movie Beatdown/Review: Impossible crossover went as well as Braeden and Film Brain would have hoped...

Bad Movie Impossible - The Haunted Mansion

Film Brain is in London to review Disney's The Haunted Mansion when a familiar visitor stops by...

Top 15 Review: Impossible Season 2 Moments

In preparation for Season 3 of R:I, here's a look back at the Top 15 Moments during the second season!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Posted by Admin On 9:19 AM 0 comments

Review: Impossible - Ghostbusters

Ghostbusters was an 80s pop culture phenomenon, and perfect fodder for a next-gen title for Braeden to review. But, will the spirits allow him to? Part 2 coming soon!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Posted by Admin On 6:43 AM 0 comments

Small Status Update

I am still hard at work on the Ghostbusters review, so bear with me as it is taking a lot longer than I anticipated. In other news, revamped their site and added a section known as The Spotlight. And what was one of the first things on it? Well, how about my review of Indigo Prophecy? Also, just for a bit of fun, here's a picture from my Psi-Ops review on the website. Ironic, no? I should recieve compensation for free advertising (yeah right).

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Posted by Admin On 4:57 PM 0 comments

Cameo in The Machinimist Video

There is some language, so beware and what not. And for those of you wondering where my cameo is, well... I'm Bambi. Yes... I'm Bambi. Indeed.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Posted by Admin On 5:12 AM 0 comments


This video was originally created for MarzGurl's Live Halloween Bash. Be sure to check her out at: